Join the goupil team

We are always on the lookout for new personalities and talents to help the Goupil design editor grow. If you are passionate about design, have professional retraining projects: do not hesitate to apply spontaneously, we will take the time to study your application.

Agnès, Collab' Manager at Goupil Collection, joined us at the end of her internship.
François, in charge of manufacturing relations at Goupil Collection, joined us after a professional reconversion.

We love the

You won’t necessarily see job postings describing a job description, but we are actively recruiting! Do not hesitate to submit an unsolicited application.

Which profiles?

Collaboration Manager, Project Management, Marketing, Creativity, Community Management, Web, Events, Influencers, 3D Design, there is certainly a job for you at Goupil Collection.

Joining Goupil Collection is the promise of a job that has meaning and gives value to artistic, intellectual and manual work. Believe in the exceptional potential of a collaboration. It means creating synergies of skills in the service of Beauty.

Do part-time professional training

Are you looking for a work-study program in space planning and design or to learn a trade in communication and sales?

Send your request to mon-alternance @

Yes, in addition to a great work-study program and a great tutor, you'll get a great T-shirt

Our experience in work-study programs and its specific pedagogy make Goupil Collection an appreciated company for an apprenticeship or professionalization contract. Our goal is to empower you and help you to quickly gain skills, while providing you with regular, customized support.

Do an

Do you want to discover the world of design? Do you have skills in communication, or growth-hacking, 3D visuals, photography…?   We regularly welcome interns with valuable missions and responsibilities.

You can write to us at internship @

We bring you coffee and we don't make photocopies