The publishing house of designers 6 artisans

Our lighting collection is a bridge over the Loire between History and Modernity. An ode to the falling lights on the sandbanks, to the volumes of the castles of the Loire, to its wines and its guinguettes. Our designers and our partner factory invite you to take a stroll along the Loire, along the water and all in light. A collection inspired, designed and made on the banks of this gentle and wild river.

We publish both a design and a know-how. Goupil Collection is the publishing house of designers who collaborate with craftsmen. We talk as much about inspiration as we do about making.

Beyond diplomas and awards, we publish a designer for his ability to highlight the gesture of the craftsman, his willingness to work with French manufacturers in a socially and environmentally responsible approach.

Each object that we edit is the expression of a hard-mastered gesture that requires work and talent. Each edition bears the imprint of the craftsman.

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